Mim's Knitting Frenzy

Follow the dark and skeery path into the dank recesses of Miriam's mind. There you will find many a knitting needle and the occasional ominous crochet hook. Sinister looking book presses and towering stacks of paper. Where various handcrafts lurk waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting...

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ketchup and other tomato products...

This post is just a quick update, so no pictures... really busy!

Laurie posted about World Wide Knit in Public Day? What are YOU doing on June 10th? What should be do Utah grrls?


Patty (who as far as I know is blogless) has finished a Seraphim Shawl and she sent me pictures! You can see it here, just LOOK at those lovely colors!

And look at Margene's Eleanora socks! They look just as fabulous in person as they do on her blog, although more red and less pink :)