Mim's Knitting Frenzy

Follow the dark and skeery path into the dank recesses of Miriam's mind. There you will find many a knitting needle and the occasional ominous crochet hook. Sinister looking book presses and towering stacks of paper. Where various handcrafts lurk waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting...

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Monday, April 17, 2006

Mountain Peaks Revision

Hi, I've sent out a revision for the Mountain Peaks Shawl, if you haven't received it, make sure to check the e-mail associated with your paypal account. The new file has been uploaded to the download server, so if you purchase it from here on out, you should get the newest version. The pattern should also have been sent to you if you were one of the 5 who got it free. If you didn't get it, please e-mail me at mlbrilliant AT yahoo DOT com.

Also there is a small change to something in the Seraphim Shawl pattern, so if you purchased that, it should be coming at you soon.