Mim's Knitting Frenzy

Follow the dark and skeery path into the dank recesses of Miriam's mind. There you will find many a knitting needle and the occasional ominous crochet hook. Sinister looking book presses and towering stacks of paper. Where various handcrafts lurk waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting...

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Note on Yarn for Eleanora Socks

It has come to my attention that some people are getting a bit confused about the yarn I used for my Eleanora socks. They are the German sock yarn called "Opal", NOT Louet Gems Opal (which is a fine sport weight). Nancy Bush uses Gems Opal in a few sock patterns, but it's VERY difficult to get gauge and a nice fabric with Gems Opal for the Eleanora sock.

Also, read this post for a discussion on where to find this German Opal.

Happy Knitting!